Any Given Child
Arts for
Any Given Child
Online Resources for Children
Arts for
Any Given Child
Any Given Child
(Check back often for updates)
Here is where students of all grade levels get to virtually connect to a variety of resources including hand-on activities to virtual museum tours, music and theatre performances and more. Check back often as new opportunities continue to be offered. We are always interested in adding new and exciting content for our students, and so we invite parents, teachers, community arts partners, cultural and arts organizations as well as teaching artists and all else who so desire to share their suggestions with us.
Reach for the Moon
An NSO Young People's Concert Celebrating John F. Kennedy's Vision and Courage
Tuesday, May 26 at 12:00pm EST we'll be presenting a special complete broadcast of the NSO's 2016-2017 season's Young People's Concert!
Say thank you with Mo Willems!
Mo is back with us again on Thursday! Make sure to come spin the wheel, check out all the fun, and tune in on Thursday at or after 1 pm on Mo's page!
Tuesday, May 26 at 3 pm CDT
Watch the full performance for FREE on Facebook Live. Available to view until 9 pm on May 26. Check out the performance guide and even more info.
Palmer Museum of Art-African Brilliance
The Palmer Museum of Art has released a virtual tour of their special exhibition “African Brilliance”. This tour features clickable navigation through installation images, high resolution images of selected works, video “discussion” of selected works, and demo videos of art activities inspired by works included.
Fantastic Flipbooks
This video lesson was created for k-4 students but could easily work for middle school students. In this lesson students learn how to create a flip book. The art word of the day is animation. The artist connection is “the flippist.”
Game Design Challenge
Learning from home creates obstacles. These obstacles can help motivate us to redesign something as fun as a game. Within this 4-week unit students are challenged to ask, learn, imagine, design, build, then share, reflect and redesign a game. This unit was designed for middle school students in grade 6-8 but can be adapted for other ages.
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